Friday, May 3, 2019

Heera Group of Companies - The 2012 to 2014 Story

Heera Group of Companies moved from issuing Share Certificates to Membership Certificates.

Given to the persisting questions that were time and again brought up to the MEs, DSAs, and In-House Staff Members of Heera GoC, in the year 2012, a new change in the internal documentation system of Heera GoC was brought into play.  Now, instead of Share Holder Certificates, Investors were given Membership Certificates along with Membership Cards.  The Membership Card had no real benefit and could also be used for identification purposes in Heera GoC offices.

This switch from Shareholders to Members was to lessen the authority of Investors over the company, an authority that was non-existing in any case.  A shareholder could would assume that he/she could very well ask internal questions to the company; a member was just a member.

Words such as Halal Trade, Interest-Free World, and Female Islamic Scholar in Veil, along with a clean record of payments of dividends got the majority of the Muslim community advocating investments into the company, and so induction of more investment into Heera GoC became easier like never before.

Not many questioned as to why Share Holders became Members.  The 36% returns still played its role in pumping in funds into Heera GoC and at the same time quashing several major questions that had risen up against the company until this point in time.

Heera GoC was about to bring about a new change in the company, an upgrade, going online - August 2014.

Is the Hon'ble Supreme Court being taken for a Royal Ride by Heera Group?

  To all those connected with/following the Heera Group case in the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. Re:  W.P.(Crl.) No. 31/2020 in the H...